People divorce for any and all reasons. In California, a person does not need to state a reason for divorce beyond the most general terms such as “irreconcilable differences.” The real story for some people may be a lot more colorful. Here are a few such stories:
In New York, a wife divorced her husband of six years because he was so wild about the Three Stooges he kept jabbing her in the eyes, popping her on the head and pulling her ears – just like Larry, Curly and Moe. “He liked the Stooges so much, he actually started to think he was one of them,” the shaken lady told a judge.
A man divorced his wife of 12 years after she taught his beloved parrot Pajaro to call him a ‘fat slob.’ “She shouldn’t have done that,” the outraged man sputtered to a judge in San Cristobal, Venezuela. “She’s fatter than I am.”
A woman filed for divorce from her husband in Paris, France. He constantly snapped her bra in church! “He thought it was really funny,” she told the judge. “But I didn’t.”
A South Carolina bride dumped her groom, telling a judge her new husband caught “the seven-year itch” on their wedding night – sneaking out of their hotel room to be with her maid of honor!
An Arab sheikh got the boot when his newlywed bride found out he was also married to 12 other women two weeks after his wedding. The other gals didn’t bother her, but being unlucky number 13 did.
At the Law Offices of Jane Migachyov, we welcome you case regardless of the cause of the divorce. Schedule a free initial consultation NOW.